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Visitors 210
Modified 30-Nov-15
Created 2-Feb-10
66 photos


All in a Row - Boats

All in a Row - Boats

Autumn in Rogersville

Autumn in Rogersville

Blue Columns

Blue Columns

Boat & Building in Peggy's Cove

Boat & Building in Peggy's Cove

Bodie bar and barber shop

Bodie bar and barber shop

Bodie Methodist Church

Bodie Methodist Church

Bodie Truck

Bodie Truck

Bricks and Door

Bricks and Door

Bridge to St. Armand's

Bridge to St. Armand's

Cain Residence, Bodie California

Cain Residence, Bodie California

Cullasaja River

Cullasaja River

Cypress Creek

Cypress Creek

Derelict Bode Residence

Derelict Bode Residence

Dock and Yellow Building Painting

Dock and Yellow Building Painting

Door and Gecko

Door and Gecko

Door and Prayer

Door and Prayer

Down the Road

Down the Road

Driftwood Texas

Driftwood Texas

Ft. Constitution

Ft. Constitution

Headwaters of the Jordan River

Headwaters of the Jordan River